Thursday, October 3, 2013

How Sports Relate to Business

In fact, much as the sport in different specialties is undoubtedly one of the best niche to do business. Why?
The first and most important reason is that sports are about passion, energy, and the glory of winning. The masses are attracted to the sport through these feelings and emotions when they emerge, then there are potential consumers and if consumers, no business.
Today I share a list of at least 15 business ideas related to the sport to which I am sure to find a practical option for you.
* Preparation and sale of uniforms. If you have experience in tailoring or maquila, can produce garments such as camisoles, shorts or pants to be sold in sports shops. You can sell the clothes by the dozen, start small and rotate to the extent of your investment capacity.
* Rental of sports fields for soccer dad. This option requires access to an area of land where you can put at least one pair of tennis-soccer dad with synthetic turf, lighting and bleachers. Of course you can rent the ground and although it requires a major investment, if you place yourself in a strategic location and popular, have a good market prospects. You can exploit billboards together and organizing competitions and school events.
* Organization of competitions. You can become an organizer of events and sports competitions both at school and urban. The business is to be an intermediary responsible for organizing and promoting tournaments with course fees, advertising, sales of food, awards ceremony, etc.. The possibilities are endless and depend heavily on the creativity of the organizer.
* Schools specialized sports (football, volleyball, swimming, etc). You can organize a school specializing in your favorite sport. The business basically consists of providing technical education and training for children and adults. You need to go with some experts in the field (coaches) and rent some sports facilities for the purpose. Your income comes from enrollment, tuition for courses and rental equipment including, among others. (See School of Dance)
* Sales of sports equipment. You can become an independent distributor of sports equipment to supply schools, colleges, schools, shops etc. You can find your city in a wholesale and retail sale. For more moderate investment will help focus on specific sports discipline at first.
* Excursions to ecological sites. You can organize group tours to ecological sites. Need to make a knowledgeable guide, renting buses, organize and publicize the power excursion. Income is charged per person, if the targets and the organization are good, you can earn good money.
* Excursions to sites with extreme games. Similar to the previous idea, but more specialized in areas with extreme sports, which are very attractive for athletes.
* School football referees. You can organize a specialized school in preparation for football referees or any other sports (tennis, basketball, etc..), So you can become a specialist discipline and be a hotbed for those who seek training in this area. No doubt you will find many interested.
* Journals sports, weekly or monthly. Handled with intelligence publications can generate very good income. If you are publisher or graphic designer can get you a sports specialist partner to create an attractive advertising product. Can be multidisciplinary or focused on a specific sport. The business is in selling advertising space patterns or news or sponsored. You can start with a small magazine and grow gradually.
* Sale of sports sponsorships. The league teams usually have many fans and when organized sports advertising is an important way. At any rate, you can find niches for promotion of sports sponsorships and you can be a reseller of the same, eg radio, camisoles, on billboards in stadiums, magazines, newspapers, etc.
* Manufacture and sale of medals and trophies. You can manufacture and sell sports medals and trophies in various qualities. These are very common and are in high demand especially for school events where you can promote them for a low price or to resell as a wholesaler to sporting goods stores.
* Sneaker shop. If you are a shoe manufacturer or promote you like, you can become a wholesale distributor of sports shoes. There are many shops, schools or teams that would love to have a direct distributor of this product.
* Sale of balls. Similar to the previous point, marketing or manufacturing of balls is in great demand. Whether synthetic or leather, for the different branches of sports, the balls are a product without which there would be many sports.
* Scuba diving school. This is a discipline that requires preparation and knowledge. If you have it and have the equipment, you can become a diving coach. The courses are charged per person, including equipment rental, transfers, etc. Very similar to the trips and can charge very well. Even some specialized courses such as this tend to become clubs such as: parachuting, gliding, mountain biking, etc.
* Extreme Sports Club. Fashion are extreme sports so if you want to specialize in this line, you will find many supporters. You can develop your own training camps or to prepare courses and seminars aimed at providing training for young people interested in extreme sports interesting.
As you can see, there are many ideas and success lies in your creativity and have a plan. I believe that there are many more! (If you have any please share.) Oh and then why Barca or Real? I Barsa, but I hope you keep reading the blog: D

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” — Max DePree

Humans are wired to seek comfort, and as a result much of daily life is focused around familiar patterns and habits. When something threatens to break those habits, we feel uncomfortable and nervous. These negative feelings are easily avoided by continuing to live life the same way, rejecting change. If given the chance to enter uncharted territory, a situation where life’s future is unpredictable, people often prefer not to change, clinging to a comfortable situation.
I still remember the summer before I left my home and family to attend college out of state. Although I’d spent summers away from home before, I didn’t feel ready to live without the immediate support of my parents on what seemed to be a more permanent basis. I considered postponing my college education or attending a community college for a year to ease the transition.
Realizing that millions of kids my own age had the courage to attend college while living on campus hundreds or thousands of miles away from their family, I decided to follow through. I convinced myself I was at least as capable as millions of other kids.
Looking back, the experience was perfect for me and I’m glad I found the strength to move away when I did. I adapted to the new living situation rapidly and found it wasn’t difficult to expand my Comfort Zone.
Breaking out for your career
“We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present.” — Thomas Edison
There are four things that make us feel comfortable:
  • Familiarity with location
  • Familiarity with people
  • Familiarity in thoughts
  • Familiarity in actions
But if we cling to familiarity in these aspects of our lives, there’s no opportunity for real growth — personally, professionally, or financially.
My college experience dealt with location and people, but the changes we make in our actions can have an ever greater effect, and are key to financial gain. Working in the corporate world, anyone could grow accustomed to daily, weekly, or monthly patterns of tasks and responsibilities. Being adept or even excelling in these responsibilities isn’t enough for someone who wants to make an impression and increase the possibility of being rewarded.
Here are a few ways someone could break out of the Comfort Zone at work:
  • If you don’t typically speak in front of others, prepare a short presentation about one of your responsibilities and share it at a meeting with your team.
  • Develop a unique process improvement that has the possibility of increasing productivity, income, or whatever is important to your workgroup.
  • Eagerly attempt a challenging assignment that normally would be handled by your supervisor or a “higher level.”
Not everyone is wired for corporate life. In fact, corporations are full of people who aren’t. They may be dreaming of some activity they would rather be doing only if money weren’t a consideration.
Two former vice presidents from my company were tired of corporate life, so they gave up their six-figure salaries to open a bed and breakfast in the Hamptons. This is happening everywhere; people are making major changes to their lives to fulfill a calling, a dream, or a passion. These changes always require a rejection of some level of comfort in pursuit of a new environment offering a possibility of self improvement.
Breaking out for financial growth
“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” — Max DePree
Aside from a career path or entrepreneurial dream, it’s easy to fall into a Comfort Zone with our finances. It’s easy to pay someone else to do basic yard work, for example. And if outsourcing this work is embedded in your family culture, paying someone else is natural and comfortable. There may be good reasons to outsource but in many cases there aren’t, and those reasons — no time, no skill — are often excuses. Even having never picked up a rake or planted a flower, a new self-responsible gardener could save a significant amount of money over time, amplified by compound interest.
Many people avoid investing because it seems difficult or risky from the outside. How do you know which stocks to pick? How do you handle a stock market crash? Whom can you trust? With these questions, many people stick to what they’re comfortable with: investing in their company’s 401(k) because someone else has made the decision for them, and saving anything else they have left after expenses at the end of the month in a bank account.
This is the result of financial comfort. While it feels good, and this person may have a sense of security that nothing bad can happen, the opportunity cost could be significant. By not taking action, the would-be investor is likely losing out on thousands, tens of thousands, or perhaps even hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. This could be solved by stepping outside the Comfort Zone and learning how to do something new: invest.
How to break out of your Comfort Zone
“If you remain in your Comfort Zone you will not go any further.” — Catherine Pulsifer
Whether you want to be rewarded at your job, be successful on your own, improve your financial situation, or just feel like you accomplished something, the key is to break out of your Comfort Zone. Even if what you are doing works for you, a little effort to try something new could result in a better outcome. If you keep doing only what’s ordinary, your results will continue to be just as ordinary. The only solution is to start doing something extra-ordinary.
But just like any move against human nature, this doesn’t come naturally. Here are some hints for making the transition easier and, well, more comfortable:
  • Educate yourself. Find out how other people achieve what you want to achieve with a high level of success. Research your tasks as much as possible, reading case studies, books, and blogs. Find guides that provide step-by-step instructions for the task outside your Comfort Zone that you wish to accomplish. Keep coming back to your resources throughout the entire process.
  • Team up. The internet is your friend, but nothing beats spending some time in personal conversation with someone whose path you’d like to emulate. If your goal is to stop buying dinner out and start cooking every day, reading recipes will only get you so far. Have an expert help you by giving you hands-on experience under the watchful eye of a personal guide. For whatever you want to achieve, find a class that lets you participate while working with classmates, most of whom could be in the same situation as you. There is safety — and comfort — in numbers.
  • Create a plan. Writing down a challenge, whether just in a notebook kept in your night stand or on a blog public to the world, makes it real. I believe the more public, the better. (AtConsumerism Commentary, I make my finances public, which means I’m accountable to the world, not just myself. This brings extra pressure, but motivation as well.) While writing, break your goal into at least three measurable accomplishments, and break those accomplishments into at least three tasks. This is your roadmap. For example, running a 5K is outside the Comfort Zone of many couch potatoes. In this case, a plan has been created for you. All you have to do is follow it.
  • Take small steps. Like the first step of a couch potato on the way to her first 5K, the first step is always the most difficult. Any task that seems daunting can be broken down into smaller steps. Eventually, your series of small steps becomes your path to the goal. Some people can make the change they want in one leap once they decide to tackle the obstacle, but that’s not the right choice for everyone. In general, small steps result in success because a slow process helps to reinforce and internalize the experience — building gradual comfort.
  • Breed a new comfort. As make slow progress through a series of tasks or through repetition, you’re actually e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g your Comfort Zone. That which you never would have considered doing is now something you might do without a second thought. You may find yourself looking for more and ready to make some new plans once comfort sets in. Despite my nervousness about college, it didn’t take long to feel comfortable there. I was soon looking for more challenges, such as running student organizations.
By breaking out of your Comfort Zone, you’re opening your mind to new experiences, so it’s natural for your goals and desires to change along the way.

An investing newbie whose goal was to familiarize herself with the stock market may have such a great experience after the first Comfort Zone breach that she may be inspired to become a financial planner and to help others achieve their financial goals. The factory worker who quits his job to run his own business may achieve personal success which inspires him to meet new people including his future wife.
The rewards for escaping your Comfort Zone are limitless. The rewards for never expanding your experience are well-defined: more of the same.

Written by JD Roth 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Here are 53 things to keep in mind if you want to be a better entrepreneur

1.       Don’t let emotions cloud your decisions.
2.      Accept criticism, no matter who gives it to you.
3.      Never stop networking.
4.      Learn from your own mistakes.
5.      Learn from other people’s mistakes.
6.      Around every corner lies an opportunity for you to sell something.
7.      Don’t get too greedy… 
8.      Try not to mix your family life with your business life.
9.      No matter how successful you are, you shouldn’t stop learning.
10.   Spending money on good lawyers and accountants will save you more money in the long run.
11.    Don’t pick a bad company name and if you do, don’t change it later on.
12.   Hiring employees won’t solve most of your problems.
13.   Be agile because slow and steady won’t win the race.
14.   Being agile isn’t enough, you also have to be scrappy too.
15.   Having a good business partner will be a key factor in your success.
16.   Don’t be afraid of the unknown.
17.   It is easier to save money than it is to make it.
18.   You don’t always have to innovate; there is nothing wrong with copying.
19.   Have a marketing plan.
20.  Don’t under estimate your competition; you can’t always know what they are doing.
21.   Watching movies like Boiler Room, will teach you how to sell.
22.  If you don’t have a business mentor, you better get one.
23.  Your income will be the average of your 5 closest friends, so pick them wisely.
24.  Diversifying is a good way to play things safe.
25.  It doesn’t matter what you want, it only matters what your customers want.
26.  When others are fearful, you should be greedy. And when they are greedy you should be fearful.
27.  You don’t always have to pay for advice. You’ll be amazed with the free advice you can get pick up from the web.
28.  The best chances you have of becoming rich is through your willingness of working hard.
29.  Even the most idiotic business idea can make money.
30.  Confidence sells and it always will.
31.   An easy way to make more money is to up sell to your current customer base.
32.  Base your business decisions around metrics.
33.  There is no such thing as a safe bet.
34.  You don’t have to start a business to be successful.
35.  Raising venture capital is harder than being struck by lightening.
36.  Staying under the radar isn’t always a bad thing. Being out in the open is a great way to attract more competitors.
37.  Learn to be a team player.
38.  If you ever get screwed over, think twice before you burn the bridge.
39.  Learn to manage both your personal and business money.
40. Live in a location filled with entrepreneurs.
41.   If you don’t take any risks, there will not be any rewards.
42.  Don’t let anything stand in your way.
43.  Sometimes you have to wait for good deals to come to you.
44. The smartest route isn’t always the easiest route.
45.  Being too aggressive can backfire.
46. With networking, it isn’t about whom you know, it is about whom your network knows.
47.  It’s never a bad thing to know too many rich people. Whether you like them or not, they can always come in handy. So make sure you always play nice with them.
48. Use your email signature to promote your business.
49. Don’t be afraid of social media. It is a great channel for customer acquisition.
50.  You’ll learn more from starting your own business, than going to business school.
51.   Having a personal blog doesn’t only help build your personal brand, but it helps your business as well.
52.  Your competitors don’t have to be your enemies, you can learn a lot from them.
53.  You can grow your business by working for free.